Opening Activity
An icebreaker or something to get people focused as you begin.

Option 1: Jenga Tower
Have a Jenga-type of contest by having participants see how high they can build their tower. You can use the game called Jenga (available for less than $10 online in case you don’t already have it), or you can create your own pieces. The dimensions are such that three blocks stacked next to each other form a square. The stack alternates directions at each level. Determine your own limits, such as time, and whether teams are one person each, two people each, or more. Keep track of how many blocks are removed as well as how high the tower is becoming as you restack the removed blocks on top of your structure. Eventually the tower will tumble.
Option 2: 5-Minuet countdown video
Play a 5-minute countdown video to lead up to Sabbath School. When people arrive at Sabbath School is anything happening? Is anyone else there? If nothing’s happening, many will turn around and walk out. Heaven forbid someone is the very first person to enter the room! On the Youth Sabbath School Ideas website you can download a 5-minute countdown video with drone footage of countries where Maranatha Volunteers International has constructed buildings. Feel free to add your own background music.
If you play a 5-minute countdown video, keep in mind these important factors as the leader:
- You must be ready five minutes before Sabbath School begins
- You’ll need to be able to project the video so those who enter see it
- You need to start Sabbath School as soon as the video ends, whether anyone is present or not.
TRANSITION: As we consider our lesson for today, think back to times you have reached toward heaven. What motivated you to do that? How successful were you? What does it take for a person to reach heaven? What might stop us from reaching this important goal and inward longing?